

In order to view the map, you are required to register with 西班牙&E. 一旦注册, an email that contains a web link, 用户名, 密码, and instructions to access and use the map will be sent to your email address. 

If you need assistance in viewing/registering for the interactive map, contact us via email or phone (858) 636-5581 during regular business hours (Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. 到下午4点.m.

Integration Capacity Analysis (ICA) and Locational Benefit Analysis (LNBA) Map

The enhanced integrated capacity and locational net benefit analysis quantifies the capability of the system to integrate Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) within 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电’s distribution system. Results are dependent on the most limiting element of the various power system criteria such as thermal ratings, 电能质量, system protection limits and safety standards of existing equipment.

Integration Capacity Analysis

Substation Location

Substations are shown on the ICA map as polygons from the initial global view of 西班牙&E’s service territory. Placement of the cursor and clicking on the substation polygon will bring up a pop-up window to show: substation name, 电压 and yearly load profile.

Feeder and Line Section Location

The distribution feeder routes are viewable to only users who apply for access to this layer. As the user zooms in closer to the street level, the distribution feeder routes are shown as distinctly ICA colored lines on the display. To display available capacity on the distribution system down to the line section or node level the user can simply click on a particular line segment. Branches extending from the mainline feeder are not shown. Placement of the cursor and clicking on the line section will bring up a pop-up window to show: circuit number, 电压, 客户百分比, existing generation, 排队的一代, a yearly load profile, 线段名称, the minimum value of uniform interconnection capacity value, the minimum value of uniform interconnection load value and the PV interconnection capacity value at 12 noon.

Locational Net Benefit Analysis/Distribution Deferral Opportunity Report (LNBA/DDOR) Layer

Along with mapping the integration capacity analysis (ICA) results 西班牙&E has also identified and mapped areas where deploying distribution energy resources could potentially defer or mitigate the need for planned infrastructure projects. The intention of this mapping layer is to delineate where there are relatively greater opportunities to avoid costs by installing DERs in 西班牙&E’s distribution network. The avoided costs achieved by deferring a capital investment will be considered in addition to any system level costs a DER may be able to provide (i.e. avoided energy, avoided resource adequacy, avoided emissions 等.)

Identifying Utility Investment Deferral Opportunities

The LNBA/DDOR layer shows areas in 西班牙&E’s system in which deploying DERs may defer a utility investment of some kind. The layer shows this by outlining the portions of feeders where reducing load would defer/eliminate the need to make an investment. The outlines are colored based on the relative cost of the project per kW of need. As of today, the project outlines will be colored based on the following scale of project costs.

$ per KW-year Capacity Relative Value Color Scheme
Either $0 or facility is data redacted 1
$0 - $100 2
$100 - $500 3
> $500 4


LNBA/DDOR Project Data

The user of maps can click on each identified deferrable project areas to bring up data associated with each of the projects such as the Substation, distribution circuit(s) ID, project description, associated LNBA range, 等. 此外, included in the project data pop up is a link to download the larger LNBA/DDOR dataset in an excel spreadsheet.


  • The website is intended to provide an initial screening of generation interconnection projects. A detailed study is required to confirm all distribution upgrade costs. The interconnection customer should not rely on any cost estimates on this website as they are only intended to provide high level cost information. 
  • The interactive substation area map is intended to show the general substation area and not a specific point of interconnection. The interconnection customer must meet with 西班牙&E to confirm the substation interconnection point. 
  • The interactive feeder map is not intended for an interconnection customer to identify the exact location for interconnection. The interconnection customer must meet with 西班牙&E to confirm the interconnection point. 
  • Feeder branch routes are not shown on the interactive map as they generally have limited capacity for interconnection. Should a branch be proposed as the point of interconnection it is likely that potentially significant distribution branch upgrades will be required to facilitate the interconnection. 
  • The interactive website map is not intended for construction. 
  • Interconnection to the distribution system may also impact the transmission system and will require additional analysis.
  • All interconnection requests shall follow applicable interconnection requirements.